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Product Owner Course - Intermediate

(200 ratings)
25 reviews
Start : Jul 02,2020


Product Owner course forms the foundation of how KPIT has adopted to agile mindset and conceptual clarity of Product Owner role which is crucial for any project (which has adopted Scrum Framework) to succeed.This dynamic course will equip the audience with the skills and understanding that they need to inculcate in order excel in the Agile environment. This course will cover the fundamental concepts explaining the roles and responsibilities of a Prouct Owner and additional topice like who is a Product Owner, what is product development lifecycle, what is a product purpose,vision and roadmap?It will also focus on building up the conceptual knowhow in the audience about the topics like understanding customers and users and how to validate a product.

Program Objectives

  1. Refresh the knowledge about the “why” behind Agile and why the business is moving towards being Agile.
  2. Learn about who is Product Owner, what is his role in Scrum team.
  3. Understand and learn about product development lifecycle.
  4. Understand and learn about the purpose, vision and roadmap of a product.
  5. Understand and learn about how a Product Owner understands about the customers and users.
  6. Learn via hands-on excercises about how a Product Owner validates a product.
  7. Understand and learn via hands-on exercises how a Product Owner works with the development team or teams and other stakeholders.
  8. Understand and learn the

Course Structure

This course is completely self-paced and comprises of six modules, each containing multiple topics as listed below. While all modules will be made available at the start of the course, there will be discussions via forums, short quizzes after completion of each module, and a final assessment at the end of the course. You are highly encouraged to take part in the discussion forums and quizzes as they will help you directly apply your learning throughout the course.

Module 1:
  • Refresh concepts: Why Agile, Agile Mindset and Scrum Basics.
  • Introduction: Who is a Product Owner?
  • Short quiz on who is Product Owner and Why Product Owner.
Module 2:
  • Product Vision, roadmap and Lifecyle
  • Brief write-up explaining product vision, roadmap and lifecyle
  • Short quiz on product vision, roadmap and lifecyle
Module 3:
  • Customer research and product discovery
  • Brief write-up explaining product research and discovery
  • Short quiz on customer research and discovery
Module 4:
  • Product backlog management by Product Owner
  • Brief write-up about how a Product Owner manages the product backlog and the techniques used.
  • Short quiz on Product Backlog Management
Module 5:
  • Product Owner testing or Validating Assumptions
  • Brief write-up about how a Product Owner testes or validates assumptions during product development.
  • Short Quiz on Testing nd Validating assumptions.
Module 6:
  • Course Conclusion
  • Discussion of Case Studies focusing on an Product Owner roles and responsibilities.Product Owner role play activities.
  • Final quiz on Product Owner role and responsibilities.